
Quicksilver 89981Q1 水泵维修套件 – 8 马力和 9.9 马力 Mercury 和 Mariner 四冲程舷外发动机,带标准齿轮箱

Quicksilver 89981Q1 水泵维修套件 – 8 马力和 9.9 马力 Mercury 和 Mariner 四冲程舷外发动机,带标准齿轮箱
Quicksilver 89981Q1 Water Pump Repair Kit – 8 and 9.9 Horsepower Mercury and Mariner 4-Stroke Outboards with Standard Gearcase
生产符合 Mercury marine 原装设备制造商规格,可为您的 Mercury 或 Mariner 舷外发动机提供最佳保护
套件包含垫圈、O 形环、面板、驱动键、叶轮和导水管,可使用常用工具轻松安装

适用于您的 8 马力和 9.9 马力 Mercury 和 Mariner 四冲程舷外发动机,带标准齿轮箱。请参阅您的用户手册了解更换时间表。请参阅您的服务手册了解安装说明。65 多年来,Quicksilver 品牌一直是向船舶行业提供不折不扣的发动机油、零件和配件的领导者。 Quicksilver 是 Mercury Marine 原装设备替换发动机零件、机油和配件的首要供应商,同时也致力于为船舶和动力运动行业的所有原装设备品牌提供服务。该公司通过提供经过最严格环境和测试程序测试的最高品质产品赢得了忠实的追随者。没有一家售后市场公司的研究和设计水平能与 Quicksilver 相提并论;购买 Quicksilver 就是购买性能、保护和安心。

Seven-piece water pump repair kit
Produced to Meet Mercury marine original equipment Manufacturer specifications to best protect your Mercury or Mariner outboard
Kit contains gaskets, O-rings, face plate, drive key, impeller and water guide tube for easy installation with common tools
Designed for durability to provide higher flow rates and cooling flow to protect your engine
Impeller elastomers provide improved flexibility across Broad temperature ranges throughout the boating Season

Fits your 8 hip and 9.9 hip Mercury and Mariner 4-Stroke Outboards with Standard Gear case. See your owner’s manual for replacement schedule. See your service manual for installation instructions. The Quicksilver brand is the leader in delivering uncompromising engine oils, parts and accessories to the marine industry for over 65 years. Quicksilver is the premier supplier of Mercury Marine Original Equipment replacement engine parts, oils, and accessories, but also works to serve all Original Equipment brands in the marine and power sports industries. It has earned a loyal following by providing the highest quality products that are tested through some of the most rigorous environments and testing procedures. No aftermarket company comes close to the level of research and design as Quicksilver; buying Quicksilver is buying performance, protection and peace of mind.

如果您需要购买叶轮产品并且无法辨别型号的橡胶叶轮设备,请按下面的图片所示,提供给我们叶轮的A、B、C值以及驱动方式(INSERT TYPE),我们会尽力给您找到对应的配件。


